Kevin Pajaro-Marinez

Assistant Director of Equity and Inclusion
Kevin Pajaro Marinez


B.A. University of Rhode Island

M.A. Michigan State University


Mr. Kevin Pajaro-Mariñez (Pah-ha-row | Mah-ree-nies) is a first-generation, Black Latino with Colombian and Dominican roots. He was raised in the wonderful city of Providence, Rhode Island. He joins the Phillips Exeter Academy community from the University of Michigan where he served as a Hall Director for first and second-year students. Mr. Pajaro-Mariñez has facilitated various diversity, equity, and inclusion dialogues in K-12, higher education, and professional contexts. Additionally, he founded the Black Men's Reading and Reflection Group (BMRRG). BMRRG is a cohort-based, community-oriented group where Black men come together to think expansively about masculinity. Mr. Pajaro-Mariñez is committed to cultivating spaces that demand critical reflection, deep relationship-building, and develop capacity for difficult conversations around power, privilege, and oppression.