Make your impact today.

Give the gift of knowledge and opportunity.

Goodness is a fundamental element of the Exeter equation. From our founding to today, it is by the goodness of individuals like you that our institution thrives. The impact of gifts to the Academy is reflected in the vibrant faces and stories of our faculty and students. You can give the gift of knowledge and opportunity.

The Exeter Fund

The Exeter Fund provides vital resources that enable us to sustain the hallmarks of an Exeter education, including small class sizes, robust academic offerings and a superb faculty. Direct your gift among nine institutional priorities.

Support the Exeter Fund

Capital & Endowment Giving

Endowment gifts have a direct impact on our ability to support the students, faculty and staff who are at the core of what we do.

Learn more about our giving priorities

Family Giving

Benefit your Exonian now, and in the future, by helping us close the gap between tuition and the true cost of an Exeter education. Your gift directly contributes to life at Exeter.

Help broaden the Exeter Experience

Planned Giving

Planned gifts, including gift annuities and charitable trusts, can help you meet your financial and charitable goals while supporting Exeter in the long term.

Include Exeter in your financial planning