



Advanced Biology

This sequence of courses is offered fall (BIO510), winter (BIO520) and spring (BIO530). This sequence of three courses is the equivalent of an introductory college course.

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24 courses

These courses cover the material of MAT310/320/330/400 in greater depth and at an accelerated pace.

The purpose of the 300-level courses is to enable students to expand their view of algebra and geometry to include nonlinear motion and nonlinear functions. The investigation encompasses circular...

These courses develop facility in working with numbers, tables, equations, inequalities and graphs. The focus is on solving word problems and reading carefully, and thus the building of algebra...

This four-term sequence presents a comprehensive and inductive approach to calculus. Working within contexts whenever possible, key concepts are developed with applications in mind. Students learn...

This four-term sequence covers all the material of the 420/430/510/520 courses, with additional applications and explorations, and in greater depth. Working within contexts whenever possible, key...

This three-term sequence of courses covers topics from differential and integral calculus. The problem-centered curriculum is built around weekly labs that emphasize graphical and numerical...

This course constitutes a bridge between calculus and theoretical, proof-based courses such as real analysis, abstract algebra and set theory. The emphasis is on understanding and mastering...

This is a one-trimester course focusing on the historical development of mathematical ideas, the role of individual character and culture in the advancement of mathematics, and the historical...

The 200-level courses are geometry courses tied to algebraic processes. Students investigate lines, polygons, and vectors, in both two and three dimensions. Right-triangle trigonometry is...

Amid a rich interplay of precalculus concepts, the study of calculus officially begins. Topics include complex numbers, polar coordinates, probability, recursion, functional notation, slope,...

This course covers the material of MAT410 in greater depth and also does some additional problems

This one-term course provides an overview of the questions addressed by statisticians. Students will discuss where data comes from, such as polls, surveys and experiments; they will study how to...

The study of logic is at the crossroads of mathematics and philosophy, in which we identify principles underlying the ability to reason. Furthermore, logic aids us in determining the ideal ways in...

MAT640 is an introduction to the theory of linear algebra, the study of systems of linear equations and their solutions. The interplay between algebra and geometry affords powerful and quite...

This one-term course covers mathematical methods needed to analyze impacts of public policy with a particular emphasis on identifying undesirable outcomes such as discrimination, systematic bias,...

This two-term sequence re-examines the differentiation and integration processes, and investigates topics such as partial derivatives, level curves and gradients, moving frame description for...

The topics in MAT690 will be studied with an emphasis on intuition and computational facility. At the same time, one should note that commitment to pursue difficult mathematical ideas is a...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (MAT41S), winter (MAT42S) and spring (MAT43S). MAT41S covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics. One-variable topics include graphical...

The topics for this course depend on the interests of the instructor, and are usually drawn from everyday experience. They have included fair-division problems, such as apportioning the House of...

This transition option is for students with algebra experience, but little or no background in geometry. Students are placed in one of the following three courses in the fall term. MAT11T is for...

This transition option is for students with one or more years of algebra and one full year of geometry. Similar to the 200-level courses, these courses feature the study of geometry tied to...

This option provides a two- or three-term transition for students with three full years of high school mathematics. MAT31X/40X/41X or MAT31X/32X/40X, each a three-term, highly accelerated course,...

MATTR4 is a year-long course for students who have finished four years of high school mathematics. The goal of this sequence is to review and reinforce the precalculus mathematics students have...

This option provides a two- or three-term transition for students with three full years of high school mathematics. MAT31T and MAT34T are primarily for entering uppers. MAT31T/32T provides a two-...