Equity and Inclusion

Youth from Every Quarter

Educating youth from every quarter has been an Exeter hallmark since its founding in 1781. Over time, the term “youth from every quarter” has evolved to be an even more inclusive reflection of the greater world in which we live. We continue this tradition today by bringing together students and adults with deep intellectual curiosity and compassion for others who represent a range of backgrounds, experiences and traditions. The intentionality of our community calls upon each of us to explore, celebrate and learn from each other’s differences.


Our commitment to excellence in education and our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion go hand in hand. One cannot be separated from the other."
Principal Bill Rawson

Harkness is grounded in the belief that we are all better equipped to learn and to lead when our thoughts are tested by others, particularly those whose thoughts or identities are different from our own.

Our community consciously infuses equity through all aspects of life at Exeter and prepares Exonians to value and respect individuals — on our campus today and wherever they go beyond. 

See some frequently asked questions about our equity and inclusion work.

OMA: Fostering a Vibrant Community

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) seeks to create and collaborate on inclusive learning environments inside and outside of the classroom by fostering greater understanding around topics of: race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, ability, religion, spirituality and other aspects of identity. Learn more about OMA.


The percentage of the Exeter community who identify as students of color.

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Clubs and Groups

There are over 25 affinity groups and clubs, such as the African Student Association, Asian Voices, Feminist Union, Queer Kids of Color and others.  See more about campus activities.

Go to the page titled Clubs and Groups

Programs and Initiatives

The Core Values Project

The fall of 2021 saw the start of “The Core Values Project: Conversations about Antioppression, Community Values, and Justice.” CVP for short, it is a weekly opportunity for students, faculty and staff to talk about how we, as a community, live the Academy’s core values of embracing youth from every quarter and celebrating and learning from each other’s differences.

Building upon the anti-racist work begun earlier, we meet in project groups each Tuesday that do everything from increasing diversity and representation in public spaces on campus to discussing how to have a more inclusive culture in athletics.

Stephanie Bramlett

The Exeter Bulletin

Championing belonging

Equitable Exeter Experience (E3)

A pre-orientation program for new Black, Indigenous and other students of color, high financial need students, first generation college students and LGBTQ+ students.

Go to the page titled Equitable Exeter Experience (E3)

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)

A monthly forum for adults to discuss issues around racial equity, share experiences with race and racism practice honest dialogue necessary to foster an inclusive school community.

Exeter Diversity Leadership Institute

An immersive multiday exploration of identity, culture, power and privilege, and allyship for faculty and staff, is held each summer.

Go to the page titled Exeter Diversity Leadership Institute

Infused into our Curriculum

 Important work is underway in every academic discipline supported by professional development opportunities. Academic departments are building on substantial work done in prior years to diversify course content and structure the curriculum to be more inclusive. 


Mathematics of Social Justice

Covers mathematical methods needed to analyze impacts of public policy with a particular emphasis on identifying undesirable outcomes such as discrimination, systematic bias and inequity.

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LGBTQ+ History

This course will study the historical development of gay, lesbian, and transsexual/transgender identities and the fight for LGBTQ rights in the 20th and early 21st centuries. 

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The Harlem Renaissance

Harlem, New York. 1920s. A constellation of African American writers, artists, performers and thinkers are changing American and world culture, pollinating African American art and literature.

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