



Advanced Physics

This sequence of courses is offered fall (PHY510), winter (PHY520) and spring (PHY530). This three-term sequence is taken as a second year of physics.

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19 courses

What does it mean to be a Christian? Why are there so many different Christian groups (including Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and dozens more)? Is every group that calls itself...

Exactly what is Zen Buddhism? Through readings ancient and modern, videos, visits with a meditation instructor and independent projects, students will learn about the origins, philosophy and...

Does a corporation have responsibility beyond itself? Should the bottom line trump ethical considerations? Who or what protects the public interest? This course considers these questions in the...

What is the meaning of life? Does life have any meaning? Is traditional religion still relevant? Is God dead, or how do we live in a world where it appears God is absent? Focusing primarily on the...

This course invites students to an exploration through fiction and personal narrative of the depth and complexity of religious experience in its many forms from traditional belief through...

Terrorism, wars, genocide, refugee crises, economic disparities, economic exploitation, propaganda including "fake news," drug resistant pathogens, natural disasters, global warming, and so on -...

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . ." So begins one of the most influential books in human history. From ancient times until the present, Jews, Christians and Muslims...

Hinduism and Buddhism are having a profound impact on 21st-century culture, through practices such as yoga and meditation; in the study of modern psychology; and in films, television and other...

What is really real? How do I know what I know? Do I have free will? What is the good? These and other speculative questions have troubled the Western mind for millennia. This course follows a...

Students in this course study a range of explanations for human thought, behavior and emotion. Readings, projects, demonstrations and class discussions facilitate exploration of the biological...

Islam is the religion of over one billion people and has adherents across the world from Mecca to Brooklyn. Through readings in history, scripture, theology, law, and spirituality, as well as more...

This course focuses on the development of Judaism from the biblical period to the present, exploring the historical evolution of Jewish holidays, life-cycle rituals and Jewish law. Students will...

It has been said that all religions converge in the contemplative tradition - the great world illuminated by the swamis and yogis of Hinduism, the core meditation practices of the Buddha, the...

Images, ideas, stereotypes and symbol systems of religion surround us in popular culture, whether in movies, television shows, sports, fashion, the internet, music or literature. From Disney to...

America has always been a mix of various peoples and faiths. This course examines the religious traditions that make up the American religious and cultural landscape, focusing on Judaism,...

Look at the front page of a daily newspaper, watch the news on television or check the crawl on your computer screen, and you will see people disagreeing about how to resolve some of our society's...

Students often discover that knowledge of the Bible is essential background for the study of literature, music, art, history and many other subjects. This course, designed for those who have...

How did the Holocaust happen? How could some people commit such heinous crimes, while others remained bystanders, and still others risked their lives to save innocent people? We will attempt to...

The New Testament, which has been called "the most widely read, quoted, debated, maligned, and believed book in Western civilization," will be the focus of this course. We will read and explore...