David W. Gulick

Instructor in Science
David W. Gulick


B.S. University of Virginia

M.S. University of California - Berkeley


Welcome. I am a physics teacher at PEA and can be found most often up on the third floor of the Science Center. In addition to teaching the first-year physics courses and Advanced Physics, I’m always excited to teach Robotics in the spring. It’s so amazing to see the students come up with innovative designs, from stair-climbing robots to robotic arms to designs incorporating Arduino microcontrollers. And, moving in a new direction, I am also part of a group of teachers seeking to incorporate design thinking into our curriculum.

Some of my finest moments at PEA are outside of the classroom: Once a dorm head for Webster Hall, I'm now an affiliate in Soule Hall, where I'm on duty once a week. Come the spring term each year, I coach the Ultimate Frisbee team; having a chance to play right along with the students brightens each day. I have also been so fortunate to partake in several international trips, including one to India with a group of teachers and students over spring break and another as chaperone for a group of students teaching English in China during the summer.

Backpacking in the Sierras; the rush of catching a wave out surfing; mountain biking through the Exeter woods — these are moments that live on and on in my memory and give me internal energy and purpose. I live with my wife, Emily, and our two daughters, Clara and Elly, in an Academy house on the south side of campus. As a family we enjoy camping in the summer, skiing in the winter and traveling during any season.