Russell D. Weatherspoon

Dean of Students
Russell Weatherspoon


B.A. CUNY Brooklyn College

Ed.M. Harvard University


Russell Weatherspoon grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and received his B.A. in English from Brooklyn College in 1974. He joined the faculty of The Stony Brook School on Long Island, New York, where he worked for more than a decade. During those years, he taught English and the Bible, was a dorm head, coached softball, and was the school chaplain. For most of that time he was a visiting chapel speaker to the major league baseball and professional football teams in the area. While on a three-year hiatus from teaching, he received his Ed.M. from Harvard and served for two years as a counselor to law students.

Mr. Weatherspoon has been a faculty member at Exeter for nearly thirty years. Among his frequent courses are Faith and DoubtSocial Ethics and Existentialism, as well as courses on psychology, the Bible and philosophy. He lived in Cilley Hall for 12 years and currently does dorm duty in Soule once a week. He has coached girls JV basketball for many years, and is faculty adviser to the Young Brothers Society, Precision, and Journalists for Human Rights. Prior to his appointment as dean of students, he served as the dean of residential life (2001-2011), the interim dean of multicultural affairs (2011-13) and the interim dean of Exeter Summer (2019-2020). When he first arrived, Mr. Weatherspoon taught in three departments: Religion, English and Drama. Within a few years he gave his full attention to teaching religion. 

Travel to Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean has provided enjoyment and many eye-opening experiences. His wife, Jackie Weatherspoon, has been posted for the United Nations Development Program in Abuja, Nigeria, and Gorazde, Bosnia, and these have provided important opportunities to learn about building democratic processes and social justice in other countries. Among Mr. Weatherspoon’s interests are the histories of New York City (Brooklyn, in particular), the fire service, jazz and public speaking.