Meet the Center for Teaching & Learning Fellows

Practice informed by experience and experiment

Each year, four Center for Teaching and Learning fellows are selected from Exeter’s teaching faculty. The CTL fellows develop a project and are given time to fully explore a topic, program or idea. Projects are designed to evolve over the academic year and the fellow reports their findings to the full faculty in the spring.  

The 2022-23 Fellows

Diana Davis, Instructor in Mathematics

Project: Insights from Course Enrollment Data

The project assesses enrollments in various courses over time, the gender and racial balance of individual courses and of each department's full course offering, and how different cohorts of students flow through courses in a given department. The project's goal is to help each department understand more about students' experience in their courses and in their department and to help them to best serve those students. Meet Diana.


Jeanette Lovett, Instructor in Science 

Project: Examining Faculty Philosophies and Practices Around Homework

Using surveys and possibly focus group discussions, the project focuses on the purpose of homework, assessment of homework, and decision-making about what (and how much) to assign. Having a better understanding of what’s happening outside one’s own department may be useful in advising and supporting students, discussing daily schedule proposals and supporting colleagues. This work will also hopefully complement our institutional researcher’s work this year, which includes an analysis of our students' perspectives and how they spend their time — including their experience with homework. Meet Jeanette.


Courtney Marshall, Instructor in English and New Faculty Coordinator

Project: A Seat at the Table: Antiracism and Harkness

In 2020, Exeter leadership articulated “a focus on building anti-racism practices in academics,” and my project is a collection of writings by PEA teachers reflecting on this focus. I first analyzed statements circulated by leadership and trustees to understand what they meant by antiracist institution. I also put out a call for teachers to reflect on how they are developing antiracist pedagogical practices; the hope was to compile these reflections into a useful guide. I wanted to hear from teachers developing and teaching new courses as well as teachers reimagining existing courses. Ultimately, my project tracks the effects of antiracist thought on Harkness pedagogy. Meet Courtney.


Brandon Thomas, Instructor in Health Education

Project: Winter Wellness/Dimension Days

The project aims to connect the entire campus to resources to improve overall health and combat the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter term. Themed events — including fitness classes, guided meditations and engaging social activities — are scheduled to promote fellowship and community spirit. This project not only seeks to lift the overall mood on campus but also create data to illustrate how the community copes with winter's challenges throughout the term. Meet Brandon.