Akili Tulloch
“I was nervous at first about asking for help, but I quickly overcame that."
During his first term as a prep, Akili Tulloch ’22 wanted to step outside his comfort zone. The easygoing Highland Park, New Jersey, resident knew a little about what to expect at Exeter — his brother Adar is a senior, another brother attended Phillips Andover — but he soon came to appreciate that “being here and living on your own creates a sense of being independent. You rely on others for some things, but you have to think and make decisions for yourself,” he says. “Exeter eases you in to it.”
Support everywhere
One way Akili felt supported was being able to take classes pass/fail during his first term. “You work hard but also learn about Exeter’s resources while making friends,” he says. “Since everyone’s new, you’re in the same boat.”
Living in a tight-knit dorm community helps too. A resident of Main Street dorm, Akili often gets together with friends, chatting over late-night pizza or playing a lively game of ping-pong. “Living in a dorm is really fun,” he says. “You make some of the best memories with the people you live with.”
Akili’s weekday begins around 6:40 a.m., when he gets up, showers, then goes to breakfast. Afterwards, he’ll return to his dorm to complete any unfinished schoolwork from the night before, then head to class. After class and evenings are devoted to sports, extracurriculars and studying.