Application Materials

Everything listed below is required for a complete application, unless otherwise noted. In addition to these materials, we require an interview

Gateway, Part 1: Candidate Profile

Begin by filling out your Candidate Profile. This profile contains your basic personal information and is shared with Exeter and other schools using Gateway.


Standardized testing is required for all applicants. If the cost of the test causes a financial hardship for your family, call our office and we will be happy to assist.

School Codes: ISEE 300185; SSAT 5764; TOEFL 8128; ACT 8174

For applicants to grades 9 and 10, the Upper Level of the SSAT or ISEE results must be from tests taken no earlier than two years prior to the application deadline of Jan. 15. Results must be sent directly to Exeter from the testing company.

For applicants to grades 11, we will accept any of the tests in the table below.

For applicants to grade 12 and postgraduates, we will accept your most recent test results for the ACT, PreACT, PSAT or SAT. Results can be sent as part of the official school transcript or a copy of the score report can be emailed to or uploaded to the Exeter Applicant Portal.

We strongly recommend the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test for students who do not speak English as a primary language and haven’t been in an English-speaking school for the last two years.  These can be emailed to or uploaded to the Exeter Applicant Portal.

Students should refer to the testing description below:

   Standardized Testing (submit ONE)
 Applying to Grade SSAT ISEE PSAT SAT PreACT ACT
9 or 10  X  X        
11  X  X  X  X  X  X
12 or PG      X  X  X  X


Gateway, Part 2: Essays and Parent Statement

Essay Questions: We require two 200-500 word essays with topic prompts. Essay questions are located in the Exeter Applicant Portal.

To access the Exeter Applicant Portal, you must first complete the Part 1 of the Gateway to Prep Schools application. Once submitted, you will receive your login information to your Exeter Applicant Portal the following day.

Parent Statement: Available in the Exeter Applicant Portal.


Gateway, Part 3: Recommendations and Transcripts 

For recommendations, you simply enter the email address of the recommender. Gateway follows up directly by sending an email with a link to the appropriate recommendation form. 

Principal/Counselor Recommendation: Ask for a recommendation from your current principal or guidance counselor and enter a contact email into Gateway.

English and Math Recommendations: Ask for a recommendation from your current English and Math teacher and enter their contact email into Gateway.

Personal Recommendation: Ask an adult (for example, an employer, a church minister or a family friend) to write on behalf of your character and community impact.

Special Interest Recommendation (optional): Ask an adult (for example, a teacher, mentor or coach) to write about particular interests or abilities which demonstrate your passion and commitment.  

Transcripts: Current and previous year transcripts (grade reports) must be sent directly from your school(s), in English. Please request transcripts from your school through Gateway. For additional information on transcripts and special situations, see the notes on the  Gateway application page.


Character Skills Assessment (optional)

Exeter will accept SSATB’s Character Skills Assessment (CSA). The CSA can help our admissions team understand the unique values that students will contribute to the Exeter community. Learn more about the CSA. This assessment can be uploaded through your Exeter Applicant Portal.