E/A: The day in pictures
Exeter enjoys many traditions, but few match the history and passion of an Exeter-Andover fall sports showdown.
Every season ends the same way. E/A.
Oh, sure, there are Interschols and even playoff games for the best Big Red teams. But when Exeter athletes begin preseason practice and the game schedules are printed, the first thought and the last line are always the same: ANDOVER.
Another fall season is done, another E/A weekend is history. The 142nd year of this grand old rivalry measured up to tradition on a fine November Saturday. Here's how the day unfolded:
8:32 a.m.
P.J. Stocks of Facilities Management hoists the Stars and Stripes over Phelps Stadium and Hatch Field. Facilities spends days in advance of the competition getting the fields and equipment ready for action, and 24 members of the team are on duty throughout the day to make sure everything runs smoothly.
8:43 a.m.
Phoebe Ibbotson ’21 is a lone dancer at Phelps Stadium as she practices a routine she and others will perform during halftime of the football game.
9:17 a.m.
Adam Hernandez, director of athletic training, tapes the ankles of girls soccer player Cecilia Treadwell ’22 as teammate Sami Smith ’23 waits her turn. Hernandez’ team of trainers will be on duty throughout the day at both the main facility in Love Gym and the satellite Bravo Training Room under the grandstand at Phelps Stadium.
9:26 a.m.
Heidi Dumont, Dining Services manager, talks staff through their assignments in the dining tent. Exeter served complimentary lunch to hundreds of alumni, family and friends from both sides.