Survivor counseling
We recognize that confronting memories of childhood sexual abuse can be difficult and painful. For many, having access to the services of a traditional counselor or other professional is an important step on the journey toward healing. The Academy provides financial assistance for these services to any student or alum who is a survivor of sexual misconduct by an Academy employee or student. The Academy will provide financial assistance for counseling or other sessions with any provider you choose, up to a maximum of $10,000.
If you are seeking assistance, please call Christina Palmer, director of student well-being, at 603-777-3307 or send an email to Dr. Palmer can assist you in identifying counseling professionals in your area, and can provide you with an advocate if needed. She is also available to assist with informing your provider of the Academy’s policy, and can help the provider with the reimbursement process, while maintaining complete confidentiality relating to any treatment you seek.
Legal mediation
We also recognize that at times an individual who has been harmed by sexual misconduct as a member of our school community may wish for the Academy to make monetary and/or non-monetary reparations. Although resolution of this kind cannot singularly repair the harm caused by sexual misconduct, the Academy is committed to engaging in this process, when appropriate, as part of accountability and healing.
Click here to see the mediation process that the Academy has used successfully with alumni survivors.