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'I have found my voice here'

KG Buckham-White '22 says she's "changed in how I operate as a student, as a person, as an athlete" since arriving at Exeter.

How a 'Wild Symphony' came to life

Watch Dan Brown '82 and Greg Brown '93 discuss the former's new children's book, born during a walk in the Academy woods.

Take a virtual tour

You can still visit Exeter's amazing campus even if you're stuck at home. Take our virtual tour and explore.

Greg Daniels sitting in his office
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Exeter People

"The Harkness experience is incredibly valuable ... I use it every day.”

Greg Daniels '81

Moving forward

The Dance Ensemble's fall production is “To Move Forward,” featuring original choreography by Moksha Akil ‘22, Sophia Emy ‘21, Phoebe Ibbotson ‘21, Kira Ferdyn ‘22 and Jocelyn Sides ‘22.

Eye of the needle

Science Instructor Chris Matlack explains to his ecology students how they can identify different species of conifers by studying the needles.

Assembly and Speakers